Building Forms
Creating a Form

Creating a Form

As it turns out, rules in Rulebricks also can be used to create forms & quizzes for your business and/or clients remarkably easily.

This is a particularly good way to embed information specific to your business and help users calculate something based on their inputs, like a particular pricing quote or eligibility status.

Any form built in Rulebricks can easily be embedded on your website, with your company colors/branding, so it will look right at home when you send it along.

Video Overview

Below is a brief video overview of what forms in Rulebricks look like.

Form Guide

Let's walk through creating a form in Rulebricks.

Create & publish a rule

Create and publish a rule. If you're not sure how to do this, check out our Getting Started guide for a brief refresher.

As you're creating your rule, you'll want to make sure you're including in the Request Object all the form data you want to collect from your users. This is the data that will be sent to your rule when the form is submitted.

When your rule is ready, click the "Form" button in the top right corner of the rule editor.

Form Button

Open the form editor

This will open the form editor. Here you can customize the form to your liking, including editing inputs, changing the form title, description, branding, and more.

Form Editor

Try out your form

By default your form is already connected to your rule, so when a user submits the form, the data will be sent to your rule and the result will be displayed to the user.

You can try out your rule either in the form editor itself, or by visiting the URL available in the "Sharing" section of the sidebar to see how it might look when embedded on your website or shared with others.

Form Sharing

Your form is already live and ready to be shared with your users, but you'll probably want to edit the form to make the inputs easier for folks to understand first. In the next section, we'll walk through how to do just that.